Remember the parallels! …
Melodic Runs and Rides
These licks came down from the old fiddle tunes, and they just bring a smile to your face! …
Advanced Open Backup Technique
How do the masters pick it up to the next level when playing in the context of a C, D, or G chord? You’ll learn how in this section of the Library! Next, take a look at the following two courses in …
Hot Licks in the Mid-Neck G Chord Position
Those really neat, hot licks from the 9th fret through the 12th fret positions (including G, C, D, E minor, and A licks) …
Fancy Hammer / Push-off Licks
We’ll teach a good collection of those fancy hammer and push-off licks that add so much spice to bluegrass banjo tunes. …
Slides, Push-offs, Hammers and Double-Hammers
Here’s your introduction to playing slides, push-offs and hammers, the basic building blocks of that classy bluegrass banjo sound. We’ll do fifteen or so, showing you every detail of how to play them …